I am going to talk about Karma, because in these last days I have heard this word in many places and with different people.
The first time that I hear this word was in Ancient Civilization, we are studding about Hinduism and after life. This impacts me a lot, all the idea of after life or recantation.
They Hinduism is the oldest religion that we now that have existed. The one that most believers has in the world.
I don’t think that they are better religions that other. I think that you can believe and what you want. If you want believe in a hamburger, just do it.
I think that every religion has his characterization; they are not the same because Hinduism believes in hundreds of gods. Christianity or Mussulmen’s in just one.
Another thing that impacts me about Hinduism is that at difference with the rest of the religions. They don’t have any creator in the humanity.
The Christian have Jesus, the Islamic have like the creator in human form, Mohamed.
Karma is a term that the Hinduism has that mean; the total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny.
This means to me that every action has a reaction, and for a Hinduism that would mean that is the point where you have leave all the lives and now the gods are going to determine your destiny.
It’s really different this religion compared with any other. And I think that is really interesting this religion, also if you don't believe in Hinduism is fastinating and curios to learn about other types of life different to ours.
Or can you see a cow walking Caracas or London or any country and the people don't do anything. That really charming.